Who would know better how to make you man stay in love with you than a world-renowned celebrity hypnotist?
Kimberly Friedmutter offers up simple tips on how to make your man fall in love and stay in love with you this week in an article from RadarOnline.com suggesting:
Understand the power of touch! Lovingly squeeze his hand during little disagreements and he’ll see things your way! NOTE: If he’s right handed, squeeze his left hand and vice versa!
Take long hot baths with him. Baths (or hot tubs) act as a truth serum. Sit in a warm bath with your man and he’ll tell you his deepest thoughts. As humans, we reconnect to the womb and thoughts flow freely in warm water.
Use verbal cues during sex to elicit desired responses. Softly repeat phrases such as ‘that’s right’ during sex and your guy will associate being ‘right’ with being with you!
Ask your guy what he thinks, and he’ll care more about what you think. When questions come up in your life, ask for his advice. He’ll automatically ask you what you think about his answers!
Give helpful hints for special occasions, it takes the pressure off his non-psychic abilities. Men are straight shooters so just tell him what you want!
Make him the KING of your world! Love your man to death. Love what he does right. Ignore what he does wrong. You’ll be his Queen forever!
Read more from Kimberly Friedmutter on RadarOnline here: