It’s a funny thing, engagements. I always marvel when the man asks the woman to marry him and she is completely shocked by his proposal. I think it’s wonderful and I love surprises! Should a marriage proposal be one of them? I wince when I think of someone proposing and not getting the desired answer because it’s a bit painful when anyone is disappointed; can she really say “yes” if she’s surprised by the question? I see this most of the time on television when the potential groom surprises his “would be bride” and she cries, shakes and buckles to her knees in excitement. Or is it just nerves?
I hope everyone says “yes” to the right person. Marriage is the greatest thing in the world, when it’s right! I’m a proud, happy, giddy and respectively married gal. I feel very lucky, although I truly believe I got exactly what the Universe had in mind since Brad was exactly what I was energetically attracting. And just so you know, Brad lucked out too.