It’s a funny thing, comfort. Some people believe that all things comfortable must look that way! Not so, says, Pearl, my best friend in the world and perhaps the world’s best lounger on all things comfortable! Your pets just might be the perfect comfort testers for what’s right about warmth and coziness. If your animal friend loves a spot in your home, develop it. Take advantage of recycling and use your old down comforters as a soft, cushy dog bed. You can even have them stitched around the sides and fill with your own washable filler. What’s great about this idea is that you can take place it in the car, push it down for travel and it’s are easy to keep clean. Another great style tip is to pick up some fabric dye at your local store and dye the old dingy and stained comforter any color you or your pet companion like.
As for your new comfy spots, make sure you incorporate a new or seasonal piece to keep comfort from looking too drab and used. Bright flowers do the trick wonderfully. Cut ivy, pine or palm fronds from your yard to freshen up spaces that no longer intrigue or excite you. It’s quick and easy. Enjoy your comfort and style.