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Pretty Progressive

Pretty Progressive Book Club Pick!

According to, Subconscious Power “not only serves as a motivational bible, but it encompasses all the ways one can move towards better habits leading to a healthier and happier lifestyle.”

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Subconscious Power, Perfect to Read at the Beach

The scenery at the beach is relaxing, calm, some even would say therapeutic. Then, it stands to reason this would be a perfect spot to let your mind go of stressors, anxieties, and worries and simply occupy itself with something else. Something like enjoying a really good book.

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Answers for the Family Radio Show

Kimberly Friedmutter on the Answers for the Family Radio Show

Subconscious Power author Kimberly Friedmutter is a guest on the Answers for the Family Radio Show with host Allen Cardoza, and co-hosts Gabriella van Rij and Catherine Baumgartner. Here they discuss ways to navigate through the challenges of family life.


Hypnotize Me with Dr. Elizabeth Bonet

Hypnotize Me with Dr. Elizabeth Bonet Interview with Kimberly Friedmutter

Dr. Liz interviews Kimberly Friedmutter, certified hypnotherapist to the celebrities, about the six principles to accessing your Subconscious Power and her new book, which premiered as #1 in the Self Help Happiness category on Amazon!


Good Morning, LaLa Land

Kimberly Friedmutter on Good Morning LaLa Land

Kimberly Friedmutter is interviewed on Good Morning LaLa Land, the first live-streaming daily talk show!

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The Edge

Book Review: Subconscious Power in The Edge Magazine

“In Subconscious Power, Kimberly guides you through six principles that bring your conscious mind in line with your subconscious desires. She shares practical, three-minute exercises that will help you transform your relationships, find true love, lose weight after years of struggling with the scale, overcome addictions, and achieve new career successes and heights.” —The Edge Magazine

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Influencers and Entrepreneurs Share Their Instagramable Outdoor Spaces

Renowned hypnotherapist Kimberly Friedmutter and author of Subconscious Power: Use Your Inner Mind to Create the Life You’ve Always Wanted used her subconscious among other things to create a lush oasis in the desert. Learn how Kimberly and her husband, renowned architect Brad Friedmutter, create a tranquil vibe off the Las Vegas strip.

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Your Own Magic

Kimberly Friedmutter on the Your Own Magic Podcast

Humans do hold a superhuman power—our subconscious mind—yet not many know how to tap it. The subconscious is the root of our authentic self + true desires. Using the power of the subconscious mind, we are able to overcome addictions, transform relationships, and manifest our dream life.


In Touch Magazine

Book Review: Subconscious Power in In Touch Magazine

“Kimberly Friedmutter shares secrets on how to navigate life’s hurdles and reach goals in her now book, Subconscious Power: Use Your Inner Mind to Create the Life You’ve Always Wanted. By guiding readers on how to tap into personal power, she gives the courage to achieve positive, lasting change and live the life they’ve dreamed about.” —In Touch

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Life and Style Magazine

Book Review: Subconscious Power in Life and Style Magazine

“Dreams become reality with help from Kimberly Friedmutter’s new book, Subconscious Power. In the $26 tome, the hypnotherapist to the stars shares her secrets to navigating life’s hurdles, achieving all kinds of goals—from losing weight to getting a promotion!—and, ultimately, living up to your potential.” —Life and Style

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